Most recently this person has been chiming in on a very
regular basis on local Bolton Facebook pages. For the most part it's really
just what I refer to as "faux cooing" and that expression, in of
itself, makes me giggle. In a nutshell it encapsulates what this person
is all about. It's a candy-coated conversation akin to rubbing butter on
the turkey. Get out your baster. Then came a particular post on a small
local Bolton page, that is supposed to be about community, events, businesses
and just all-around activities in and around Bolton. To be clear, this
wasn't just a post. It was an all-out diatribe with guns a blazing and a
lawn dart pointed directly at a Caledon blogger, with a blatant attempt to
discredit this writer. The blogger isn't named, which, in my opinion, is done
on purpose. After all, why drive anyone to his blog by naming him,
right? So I’ll do it for you.
If you aren't reading local blogger, Skid Crease, you should
be. Hands down, Skid Crease is the best political blogger in Caledon that
I’ve read in a long, long time. He is smart, well researched and he knows his
stuff. Skid is not the political hack writer that this Caledon
Councillor(s) would have you believe. He's got serious writing cred along
with legit press credentials and what he is writing about is spot on target. There were a couple of five-star posts that
were absolute mic drop moments that should not be missed by any Caledon
resident. I especially enjoyed "Defamation and Libel and smears ohmy!" as well as Skid’s post "Caledon: Creating a Climate ofTruthiness" Of course these posts, in particular, would explain why
the intent by this Councillor was to literally try and drop kick his blog and his
credibility in to oblivion. Read it for yourself. Make up your own mind up perhaps, before you
hit accept on that friend request, you may give pause.
Back in February 2016 I wrote a post called “Her Brand is Crisis”. More than ever, it is relevant
and I’m going to bring that post back around to what we see currently unfolding,
particularly here in Bolton, with this whole urgent health care centre business
that a couple of Councillors are kicking up dust about. Not all is as it appears to be, then again, it
never is. In closing, I would say to those of you who are moderators of those
local FB pages, please let’s just use some common sense and ask that you recognize
how some people are trying to manipulate and use your community pages for their
own personal political agendas. Take ownership of your pages and delete this crap and let your page be what it was intended for. The community that you love so much will be
all that much better for it.